The CHARIS Ireland National Service of Communion

About us

Created in 2021, CHARIS Ireland aims to foster and facilitate networking, fellowship, and collaboration between the many realities within Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Our focus is the three priorities of the Charismatic Renewal as set out by Pope Francis.

  • To share baptism in the Holy Spirit with everyone in the Church. It is the grace you have received. Share it! Don’t keep it to yourselves!

    — Pope Francis to CHARIS, 8th June 2019

  • To serve the unity of the Body of Christ, the Church, the community of believers in Jesus Christ. This is very important, for the Holy Spirit creates unity in the Church, but also diversity.

    — Pope Francis to CHARIS, 8th June 2019

  • To serve the poor and those in greatest need, physical or spiritual. This does not mean, as some might think, that suddenly the Renewal has become communist. No, it has become evangelical, for this is in the Gospel.

    — Pope Francis to CHARIS, 8th June 2019

coming together to share our gifts and charisms

We are a body established by the Holy See, through the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life.


Learn more about national and international events and connect with groups in your local area.

National Events & Local Charismatic Realities


A range of courses to deepen your knowledge and faith.

  • Integral Formation Programme

  • The DABAR Project

  • Servant Leadership Course

  • Logos Seminar

Online & In-Person Faith formation with CHARIS